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Stokesdale Parks & Recreation

Stokesdale Parks & Recreation

Coed Adult Softball

I want to thank all of you for registering a team with our VERY FIRST COED LEAGUE!!!!

Here are a few updates leading into our season kicking off:

  1. We will have a mandatory meeting to go over our rules next Tuesday, May 28th, at 7:00PM. In order to play, each team will need to have a representative there to receive a copy of the rules. Overall, we will follow NSA rules however we will have some site specific rules as well. The meeting will take place at the Stokesdale ballfield picnic pavilion: 8401 Capri Dr, Stokesdale, NC 27357
  2. Games will start the week of June 10th. We had 10 teams sign up so we will be running two games on Tuesday night and three games on Friday night each week. Shortly after the rules meeting, the schedule will be completed and sent out to each of you. Tuesday, June 11th will be our first night of games We will have a 6PM game and a 7PM game every Tuesday. On Fridays, we will have a 6PM game, 7PM game and an 8PM game each week
  3. All of our games will be held on the Stokesdale baseball field: 8401 Capri Dr, Stokesdale, 27357
  4. A lot of teams have aske about practice slots, I will have a couple slots available through the week until our youth softball season is over then I will have Saturday and Sunday slots readily available. This will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Please send over a preferred weekday AND weekend slot and we will work together to find a practice time. This is not required by no means, this is just something optional.
  5. All jerseys must have number on them. No one person will be allowed to participate if they do not have a "jersey" with a number. Duplicate numbers are also not allowed
  6. Rosters must be turned in NO LATER than the rules meeting. Please email that over to me if for some reason the roster that was completed at registration is not correct/incomplete. [email protected]. Once rosters are submitted they are not eligible for changes.
  7. Concessions will be open each night of games. We will offer hot dogs, nachos, pizza and/or chick fil a sandwich meal deals, and the normal candy, chips, etc
  8. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me. Email is good or call/text works well too: 336-423-1195
Thank you all again, this is going to be so much fun!!! Like I said, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!!!!! I will see everyone next Tuesday, May 28th, at 7:00PM

We are so excited to be able to do this for the first time ever! Below are some details leading into the kickoff!

We are asking that you bring your fully rostered team, if you don’t have one or would like to join an existing team, please reach out to Jess at [email protected]

Entry cost for your team is $400; this will include 8 regular season games and a tourney at the end

Games will kick off Friday, June 14th  (if we have more than 6 teams we will start on Tuesday, June 11th and the second night of games will be on 6/14) 

We are asking that you register your team by 5/15

All games will be held on the SPR baseball field: 8401 Capri Drive, Stokesdale

This is coed, men and women are required to be on your  team (for a team of 10, a minimum of 5 women must be on the roster)

Please reach out to Jess Lambert with any other questions: [email protected]

Key Dates

May 15th : Register team
June 14th: Games will kick off at SPR baseball field
Aug 9th: Last Regular season games
Aug 12-16th: Tournament (exact dates TBD)


Stokesdale Parks & Recreation
PO Box 802, 8401 Capri Drive
Stokesdale, North Carolina 27357

Email: [email protected]

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